Thirty. Thirty! 

30 is that magic number you always talk about in high school and college.  Typically starting with: "By the time I'm 30 I want to..."  or "By the time I'm 30 I will be..."  Mine was always: "By the time I'm 30 I want to be married and be a mom".  Well surprise past me!  You are married and soon-to-be mom of two.  Of course I am incredibly happy with the way my life has unfolded in the past 30 years, but what I don't think past me realized is how much richer and fulfilling my life would be at this point.  Back then, getting married and having kids was all I thought about; as if I would self combust if that didn't happen.  Well news flash!  It's not the end all, be all.  Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I am OBSESSED with my kids but, I have learned there is more to life than being just a wife and mom.  If you would have told 20 year old Sarah that 30 year old Sarah would be running a successful business alongside her best friend (which she hadn't even met by then), I would have thought she was crazy.  And yet, here I am. 

In the last decade, I have learned to love, dream, mess up, start fresh, and grow fiercer than ever before.  I have stepped out of my comfort zone, stepped back in, and taken a leap of faith I never thought I would take.  I have learned to listen to my inner voice and trust it.  I have learned to be wrong (like SUPER wrong) and understand that's ok.  I have learned in order to love my family fiercely, I have to also love myself in every shape and form. 

At 30, I thought I would know it all.  Its that quintessential age where young me thought everything would be figured out.  Turns out, I'm very much still learning and still figuring things out.  I may not know it all, but I sure as hell have learned a lot in my first 30 years.  Let's hope the next 30 are just as rewarding!

With Love, 


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