We Try It Wednesday 7/26/2023 - MEME FAMILY FUN

We are on a Midwest Huzzah enjoying lots of slow, fun family time! On a trip to Target yesterday Juan P (Gen Alpha 10 years, I know a TWEEN!!!) didn't ask for any toys, surprise baggies, candy or chucheria all he wanted was WHAT DO YOU MEME GAME. Now we are all hooked this game is hilarious and fun for the whole family plus a couple of group chats or instagram friends. 🤣🤣🤣

A viral picture meme is drowned every round and each player must pairpicture with a caption card that they think is the funniest. Once all captions are selected one player judge picks which they think the funniest caption of all the cards. ( Judge should not know who owns the cards so that it is fair and each player takes turns being judge). If you want to add an extra social spin or you only have to players, send the picture and captions to your group chats see which caption gets the most vote, or put it up on your instagram stories!

We've been playing two days straight and it has been none stop fun and laughter.


For more big kid friendly board games click here.

Love you big.


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