Colombia Tierra de Encanto

Amiga August was a roller coaster between end of summer, back to school and life we were completely MIA. In my personal life I am currently facing big family changes and lots of learning experiences that although difficult I know will bring beautiful new beginnings. 

While visiting our amigas in Houston and having fab Glam Sunday, I found out my paternal grandmother had a massive heart attack back home in Colombia. At the moment I felt like God could not possible send another hardship my way. With faith and love in my heart I packed my bags and flew to see my Awi Sofi. 

It's ironic when you are young you think life is infinite for both yourself and your loved ones, and I feel slowly as we grow up we are faced with the sad reality that life is so fragile and our loved ones won't be here forever. Awi Sofi is a huge inspiration in my life she is the epitome of "primero muerta que sencilla". Always arreglada and ready for a fabulous event because uno nunca sabe. When I arrived to visit her at the ICU the first thing she said "que bueno you are here peiname un poquito". Gracias a Dios at 92 she is una berraca and to the surprise of doctors Awi started to recuperate, the day she was sent out to a normal room and finally out of the ICU she said to me "Lina Maria tu no vas a aprovechar y porfin completar lo que tenias pendiente con los artisanas desde marzo?" I was Horrified absolutely NOT im not going anywhere I came here to spend time with you. That was my original reaction, but of course la cantaleta de Abuela pudo mas. (then I wonder where I get my cantaleta ability 🤣🤣)

And with that I set of to visit UZIACURI and the amazing soul that creates our gorgeous purses. WWWWOOOOWWWWW I am grateful awi pushed me the magic, the colors, the kindhearted people and all the creativity was beyond AMAZING!!! It's because of Awi's cantaleta this batch of purses are here today! We hope you love them as much as all we loved designing and loving every single step of the process. 

With Love Lina & Sarah 


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