On the last day of Women's History Month we are CELEBRATING FREEDOM amiga!!! The power of FREEDOM lives within you Amiga Bella, to say no, to search for more, to serve your family your way, to divorce, to love, to marry, to work, to stay home and care for littles, to grow your family, to chose not to bring children into this world. Claim your FREEDOM big or small because you are worthy, you deserve it and you can create it!!!Β
As we have grown in this past year, through turbulent times and joyful blessings we stand HERE celebrating being FREE!!!! This beautiful collection is an ode to our celebration and reminder to always know in you heart you are strong and free. WIth faith in our hearts, La Virgencita and Baby Jesus close guiding us as we embrace all the beauty and elegance in ourselves we these pieces reflect the beautiful magic you radiate as you stand tall!!!Β
We share all the details behind the inspiration for this collection on our latest podcast episode FREEDOM CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
TODAY MARCH 31st 25% OFF Collection use code: freedom25
Love you big,
Don't let anyone dull you magic amiga!
Lina & Sarah
*promotion ends March 31st 11:59 pm ESTΒ
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