We Try It Wednesday 8/16/2023 - S'Mookies

Since my divorce, I started replicating viral recipes with my oldest son Gen Alpha (Juan P), it started as a way to connect and get him excited at the beginning of this process when I saw him being a little sad, or grumpy. Plus my therapist mentioned how there's great anecdotal evidence that shows that creating and using your hands is amazing for mood boosting. A year in and it has become our thing!!!! 

Recently I couldn't scroll social platforms with out seeing the s'mores cookie and immediately I knew we had to try it!!! It's chocolate and gooey marshmallow goodness, definitely need to make it.

Amiga this is your sign to try it with your littles it is super easy to make and super fun activity for to do as a family and at the end you get to enjoy a yummy sweet treat. WIN WIN WIN!!!!

All you need is a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough (you can make it from scratch but the nestle tub is amazing and easy as pie!), marshmallows, chocolate chips and graham crackers.

On a cookie sheet place half a graham cracker, sprinkle some chocolate chips over graham cracker, place a marshmallow on top. Now the comes the tricky part but I promise its super easy. Scoop some cookie dough off your tub make a little pancake or arepa with your dough, now drape the dough over the little graham, marshmallow, chocolate chip tower so that it covers the all the ingredients like a comfy blanket of yumminess. Make sure to leave space between cookies for rising they are on the larger size cookies. 

Now place in the oven at 350 degrees for 14-16 min. let them rest for 2-3 min and ta daaaaaa enjoy all the gooey deliciousness 😋 

They are so so easy to make and a super fun activity for kiddos!!! We loved watching how they were rising plus it was so much fun building them. 100% go bake them amiga!!!! We have also played with the recipe a little and tried Oreos instead of graham , and a scoop of Nutella instead of chocolate chips and all the versions have been amazing!!!

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